Zouk Babes Everywhere!
Spotlight & Trends

Zouk Babes is a followers technique based Brazilian Zouk performance group focusing on technique, musicality, and styling. They bring followers together from all over the US and some other countries (Canada, Columbia, New Zealand) to showcase their talent together as they display how strong and powerful the followers role is. The exhilarating experience of performing with different people in different places forms bonds with people who supports each others growth as a team. New friends become family and they look good doing it! Zouk Babes currently has a total of 7 teams in the US in the following cities:
- Los Angeles, CA – Directed by Christina Montoya, Co-Director Emma Housner
- San Francisco, CA – Directed by Elena Rovito
- Las Vegas, NV – Directed by Lisa Iler
- Austin, TX – Directed by Hannah Miller-Jones
- San Antonio, TX – Directed by Tetyana Dolotova
- Atlanta, GA – Directed by Ebonie AKA “FireFly” Lee
- Boston, MA – Directed By Jackie Wilson
and growing!
Season two is beginning, if you have any interest in joining Zouk Babes or becoming a qualified team director please contact Christina Montoya.
Zouk Babes Mission
Our mission is to provide a welcoming and safe place to unite empowering and beautiful souls from near and far through dance while we work towards a common goal to achieve our highest potential. We want to provide a positive experience to connect and support one another where we feel like we have each other’s back. Being a part of Zouk Babes means you will be representing a company that prides itself with integrity on and off the dance floor. We will be leaders in our communities and showcase how strong and beautiful the follow role is in Brazilian Zouk. Through dancing Zouk we have the ability to push ourselves to reach our ultimate goal, help others achieve their goals, and use that to empower one another. We are a family united through dance.

Tags Christina Montoya
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