Sara & Otavio closer to you

Otavio & Sara from São Paulo, Brazil, represent the new generation of Zouk and Lambada, and they will be a bit closer to you, here in Colombia. This is their first time sharing their passion and expertise in this region, and we’re honored to have them with us.

Since 2022, Otavio & Sara have been teaching in Brazil and internationally. They’re members of the Geração 3D Dance Company, Their teaching style combines structure, boldness, and versatility, offering a fresh perspective on the dance.

Sara Bezerra has been dancing since the age of 3 training in ballet, jazz, and hip-hop, before transitioning to ballroom dance at 13 and performing professionally by 15. She found her passion for Brazilian Zouk at Spaço 3D, where she met Otavio.

Otavio Kanashiro has been immersed in dance since 2012, with a background in urban and classical styles. In 2015, he shifted to Brazilian ballroom dances like Zouk and Samba de Gafieira, gaining scholarships at Carine & Rafael Dance School and continuing his training at Spaço 3D.

Otavio & Sara will bring their dynamic and innovative approach to Brazilian Zouk and Lambada, right here at Colombia Secret Zouk Festival. Are you ready to learn from the new generation?

About: Sindi Obando

Professional Zouk and Bachata dancer from Medellín, Colombia. Instructor, performer, and event organizer. My philosophy: Dance offers all the lessons you need to live better and connect deeply with yourself and others. It’s not just movement—Dance is a master in life.

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